

日期:2022-08-22 浏览:6451





——中国工合国际委员会主席、北京培黎职业学院理事 柯马凯(Michael Crook)







抗战时期,老培黎为中国培养纺织、汽修、石油开采等人才,为支援中国革命贡献了培黎力量;新中国建设时期,培黎响应国家建设需要,为学生提供接受高等教育的平台, 培养了大量服务社会主义现代化建设人才。

2017 年 4月 20 日,习总书记给中国工合国际委员会、北京培黎职业学院回信,嘱托“希望你们发扬传承老校长路易艾黎‘努力干,一起干’的工合精神,积极开展国际文化交流,谱写国际友谊新篇章,为促进世界和平与发展、构建人类命运共同体作出新的贡献。”习总书记回信给中国工合国际委员会、北京培黎职业学院指明了新时期建设发展方向,是中国工合国际和北京培黎职业学院的历史使命,是与国家大外交相适应的民间组织长远奋斗大目标。



学院将国际化与技能型人才培养有机结合,在全院 5 个专业群 22 个专业实施人才培养方案改革。构建了“德技并修、国际素养、适合教育”的课程体系。建设了“通用能力+综合素养”“职业能力+职业素养”“国际竞争力+国际素养”“个性发展+职业发展”4个课程群,延展国际素养课程。实施学校+企业双育人,国内+国际双培养;打造国际英才班项目,实践培养国际英才125人,已毕业 55 人,其中10 人取得本科学位,45人取得硕士学位。学生就业率、升本率、留学率均位于北京市同类院校前列,为北京市乃至全国企业输送大量人才。推进产教融合,建设产业学院、产学工作室,大数据财贸专业群、曙光瑞翼全媒体数字营销师学院获批北京市特色高水平建设项目。
























“Hand and Mind, Create and Analyse”

-- The Bailie Model of Vocational Education


Michael Crook,

Chairman of the International Committee for the promotion of Chinese Industrial Cooperatives (ICCIC),

Member of the Board of the Beijing Bailie Vocational College


1. Industrial Cooperation (or “Gung Ho”), Bailie Schools and Vocational Education

The Gung Ho movement was a movement founded by Americans friends Helen and Edgar Snow, Rewi Alley from New Zealand and other foreign friends in conjunction with Chinese patriots like Mdm. Soong Ching Ling to support China’s War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, and is a model of international cooperation. “Gung Ho” is the abbreviation for “industrial cooperation” or “work together”. The Gung Ho movement encouraged everyone to unite and “work hard and work together” to support the revolution with the real economy.

Early in the Gung Ho movement, Rewi Alley recognized that China was in urgent need of vocational education, especially for war refugees and farmers, so that they could master survival skills. From 1940 onwards, Rewi Alley began to run Bailie schools throughout the country, accepting ordinary cooperative apprentices and children of refugee workers and peasants, and conducting targeted, organized and planned technical training. The first Bailie school was founded in Ganxian County, Jiangxi, then more than ten Bailie schools were opened in Shaanxi, Guangxi and other places. The Bailie School was a part-work, part-study vocational school founded by Rewi Alley and George Hogg in the late period of the War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, and was a continuation of the Gung Ho Movement.

Students apply the knowledge and skills they learn to practical operation, combining knowledge with practice. From the establishment of the Gung Ho Shandan Bailie Technical School in 1940 until 1952 after the founding of New China, the ICCIC assisted the school in raising machinery and equipment, hired teachers from all over the world who were interested in helping China, taught advanced scientific knowledge and skills suited to the needs of Gung Ho and sent students to study in foreign countries, and cultivated a batch of talents in all aspects.

The Bailie School is an innovative and integrated organization that integrates international cooperation, poverty relief, rural construction and vocational education. Bailie School is also a school with a glorious tradition, which has cultivated a large number of talents for China’s construction, and after eighty years of exploration and practice, it has become a unique feature in the history of China’s vocational education and reform. Adhering to the vocational education ideas, school motto and fine traditions of “Hand and Mind, Create and Analyse” advocated by Rewi Alley and George Hogg, Bailie School is a valuable asset of international vocational education in China, and an important achievement of Sino-Western exchanges and international vocational education cooperation.


    2. Mindful of the encouragement of Chairman Xi Jinping, carry forward the Gung Ho spirit, great tradition and practice the Rewi Alley’s teachings on vocational education

During China’s War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, the Bailie Schools trained talents in textiles, automobile repair, oil exploration and other talents for China, and contributed to the support of the Chinese revolution. During the period of new China's construction, Bailie responded to the needs of national construction, provided a platform for students to receive higher education, and cultivated a large number of talents to serve socialist modernization.

On April 20, 2017, General Secretary Xi Jinping wrote to the International Committee for the promotion of Chinese Industrial Cooperatives and Beijing Bailie Vocational College, exhorting us saying “I hope that you will carry forward the spirit of “work hard and work together” of the old president Rewi Alley, actively carry out international cultural exchanges, write a new chapter of international friendship, and make new contributions to promoting world peace and development and building a community with a shared future for mankind.” General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed the way for our development in the new era, the historic mission of the International Committee for the promotion of Chinese Industrial Cooperatives and Beijing Bailie Vocational College, and the long-term goal of non-governmental organizations that are compatible with the country’s great diplomacy.

Beijing Bailie Vocational College has “red genes”, fine traditions and historical heritage. The college inherits and innovates the idea of “Hands and Mind, Creating and Analyse” as the core, actively adapts to the needs of international development, strives to explore and develop a new type of vocational education suitable for China’s conditions, and cultivate a large number of technical skills talents for the country.

    (1) Innovate the cultivation of international skilled talents and give play to the role of “talent supply”

The college organically combines internationalization with skill-based talent training, and implements the reform of talent training programs in 22 majors in 5 professional groups in the college. It has built a curriculum system of “combining moral and technical training, international literacy, and appropriate education”. It has built four course groups of “general ability + comprehensive literacy”, “vocational ability + professional literacy”, “international competitiveness + international literacy”, “personality development + career development”, and extended the international literacy curriculum. Implement school + enterprise joint education, domestic + international joint training; Create an international talent class program, practice and train up 125 international talents, of which 55 have graduated, and 10 have obtained undergraduate degrees and 45 have obtained master's degrees. The student employment rate, the undergraduate achievement rate, and the study abroad rate are all in the forefront when compared with similar colleges and universities in Beijing, sending a large number of talents to enterprises in Beijing and the whole country. Promote the integration of industry and education, build an industrial college, an industry-university studio, a big data finance and trade professional group, and a Shuguang Ruiyi All-media Digital Marketing College that has been approved for a high-level construction project with Beijing characteristics.

(2) Innovate the moral education system and give play to the role of “demonstration and leadership”

From the perspective of Bailie's unique “red gene” and internationalist spirit, with party building as the guide and the curriculum as the cornerstone, the great heritage of Bailie School and the spirit of Rewi Alley internationalism are integrated into teaching, which enhances students’ sense of belonging, honor and love for the school, and students’ personality literacy is becoming more and more sound.

(3) Innovate the mode of educating people and implement education that suits the individual differences of students

(a) Implement the reform of the credit system, set up personalized course modules, and build course groups to provide support for the replacement of engineering and learning, flexible learning, and the implementation of credit banks.

(b) The college implements “education of love”, starting from the first “Spring Bud Plan” college class in China in 2001, with the strong support of the All-China Women’s Federation and the China Youth Foundation, it has held seven consecutive “Spring Bud Classes”, with a total investment of nearly 10 million yuan, funding 267 poor girls from remote areas and mountainous areas to realize their college dreams.

(4) Build a platform for international exchanges and give play to the role of “people-to-people diplomacy”

Inspired by General Secretary Xi Jinping’s reply, we will dig deep into the internationalist spirit of Rewi Alley across national borders and beyond nationalities, give full play to the advantages of resources at home and abroad, and cooperate with the international organisations, government, enterprises, NGOs and schools to build a non-governmental international exchange platform. In April 2017, the Beijing Bailie Vocational College was designated as a “Site for Education in Internationalism” by the ICCIC, and the “Rewi Alley International Exchange Center” of Beijing Bailie Vocational College was established in Bailie. In 2019, the Tokyo Office of Bailie was established in Japan, and in the same year, a European office was established in Spain as well as the Bailie Training Base in New Zealand. In recent years, we have received visits from many friendly organizations from all over the world, such as the Society for Anglo-Chinese Understanding (SACU), the New Zealand China Friendship Society, and the International Cooperative Alliance. We have accepted invitations and visited New Zealand, Canada, the United Kingdom, India and other countries,  bringing Chinese culture and building international people-to-people friendship.

We have sent Chinese students abroad to study and hosted foreign students to train in China, and organized the implementation of different types and forms of cultural exchanges. Promote the linking of 20 majors with university curricula in Spain, Japan, the United Kingdom and other countries. In 2018, we received approval to enroll foreign students, recruiting nearly 300 foreign students from more than 40 countries such as Russia, India, Colombia and so on, and the training of international students is of great significance for spreading Chinese culture and promoting Beijing vocational education to the world. Trained 30 “Chinese language + vocational skills” teachers, and created an international vocational education team of “bilingual + double certified” teachers. (i.e. teachers with both teaching and other professional certification.)

(5) Deepen the integration of industry and education, and cultivate high-quality technical skills talents who use both hands and brains

The college conscientiously implements the requirements of “school-and-enterprise joint leadership, government promotion, industry guidance, and school-enterprise dual implementation”, actively explores the establishment of a linkage mechanism with enterprises and government departments in enrollment, training, employment, etc., and signed strategic cooperation agreements with Dongsheng Town Government, Zhongguancun Software Park, Kingdee Group, China Automobile Circulation Association, Lixinghang Automobile Group (LXH) Corporation, etc.

In 2012, LSH Auto Group Co., Ltd. signed a cooperation agreement with us, training students to order. LSH funded the establishment of an auto training room in the college, and donating a Mercedes-Benz engine and a gearbox worth more than 600,000 yuan as teaching equipment to provide practical training for students; provided technical experts to concurrently serve as teachers of professional courses, and accepting students to go to the enterprises for internships or professional courses, and using enterprises as classrooms to achieve school-enterprise cooperation and education. 57 students have stayed on at LSH after graduation. Since 2016, the company has invested a total of 500,000 yuan to set up scholarships in the college to reward students with excellent character and learning.

Giving full play to the characteristics and advantages of the big data and accounting profession of the college, the Beijing Zhicheng Social Organization Public Support Development Promotion Association donated more than 500,000 yuan to cooperate with the college to build the “Social Organization Finance and Taxation Studio”, integrating the social organization development and construction project in the capital region into the process of cultivating high-quality professional talents in big data and accounting, and realizing the effect of vocational education relying on society and feeding back to society.

Bailie has signed school-enterprise cooperation agreements with Wal-Mart and Mingjingtang Traditional Chinese Medicine Hall, etc., accepted more than 400 students for top-level internships, and accepted nearly 100 students for employment.

The college signed school-enterprise cooperation agreements with Beijing Continental Hangxing Quality Certification Center Co., Ltd. on “Visiting Enterprises to Expand Posts and Promote Employment, Mutual Benefit and Win-win for the Future” to broaden the channels for students’ internship and employment.

The College attaches great importance to student employment, entrepreneurship and development, and provides high-quality service guidance for students’ learning, growth and development through the establishment and implementation of student career mentor programs and other initiatives. By 2021, for 14 consecutive years, the student college entrance rate has been higher than the average admission rate in Beijing, and it will be in the forefront of similar universities. For many years, the employment rate of graduates has been at the forefront of similar institutions.


3. Promote international exchanges and cooperation in vocational education, and inject “skill power” into the joint construction of a community with a shared future for mankind

General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly proposed new measures for international cooperation in vocational education at many important international conferences. ICCIC and Bailie will continue to practice the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s reply, with the goal of cultivating high-quality skilled talents with both patriotic feelings and international vision, inherit and innovate Rewi Alley’s ideas of vocational education, and actively provide more Bailie solutions for the cultivation of international skilled talents.

(1) Build multi-angle, wide-ranging, and jointly developed platform for non-governmental international exchanges and exchanges.

Cooperate with some foreign and overseas high-quality vocational education institutions and high-tech enterprises to build a training base and overseas offices at home and abroad, forming a non-governmental international exchange platform integrating scientific and technological cooperation, people-to-people exchanges, talent reserves, international training, digital technology empowerment and other multi-functions. In particular, Bailie is a carrier for international cooperation in vocational education with countries along the “Belt and Road”. Continue to carry out the training of “Chinese language + vocational skills” teachers, empower Chinese culture with digital technology, help technical exchanges, cultural exchanges and vocational education exchanges between countries along the “Belt and Road”, and build an international talent training base.

(2) Deepen the integration of industry and education, strengthen the empowerment of digital technology, and serve the development of the digital economy

Focusing on the construction of Digital China, new industries, new formats, new models, new scenes, and new occupations spawned by the digital economy, promote deep integration with the industry, create a characteristic brand major that is “inseparable from the local area, recognized by the industry, and internationally exchangeable”, and cultivate technical skills-based talents.

ICCIC and Beijing Bailie Vocational College have been contributing to national construction and development. Internationalism is a unique advantage of ICCIC and Beijing Bailie Vocational College.

Let us all carry forward the spirit of “Work hard, work together”, actively carry out international people-to-people friendly exchanges, actively participate in promoting the construction of the “Belt and Road” strategy, and make new contributions to the historic mission of building a community with a shared future for mankind!