北京培黎职业学院 | |
Address:1ShuangqingRoad,HaidianDistrict,Beijing Tel:86-10-62956583/6596 Website:www.bjpldx.edu.cn Fax:86-10-82417301
Application Form for International Students
l 请用中文或英文填写此表 Please complete the form in Chinese or English.
l 请打印填写此表 Please type for filling out the form.
1. 个人信息 Personal Information
英文姓 Family Name | 英文名 Given Name | 照 片 Photo | |||
中文姓名 Chinese Name | 性别 Gender | ||||
国籍 Nationality | 婚姻状况 Marital Status | ||||
护照号码 Passport No | 护照有效期至Valid Until _______年Yr______月Mon ______日Date | ||||
出生日期Date of Birth ______年Yr _____月Mon _____日Date
| 出生地Place of Birth 国 家Country 省/州Province/State 市City
| ||||
最高学历 Highest Degree Awarded | 目前所在学校或单位 Present Institution or Employer | ||||
母语 Native Language | 宗教信仰 Religion | 职业 Occupation | |||
电话 Tel | 传真 Fax | 电子邮件E-mail | |||
a.) □ 汉语进修生Chinese Language Student □ 专业生 Professional student □ 普通进修生 Student in Other Non-degree Programs b.) 申请专业Field of Study: ________________________ c.) 学习期限Duration of Study: 自From____年Y___月M 日D至To 年Y 月M 日D | |||||
家庭住址/电话Home Address/Telephone Number
| |||||
经济担保人姓名、地址和电话Supporter’s Name Address & Telephone
| |||||
在华事务担保人和电话Guarantor in China & Telephone
| |||||
2.受教育情况 Educational Background (Starting from high school)
学校 Institution | 在校时间 Year Attended | 教育水平 Educational Level |
3.工作经历 Working Experience
工作单位Employer | 起止日期Time (from-to) | 从事工作Work Engaged | 职位Position |
4.汉语水平 Chinese Proficiency 爱好 Hobbies
汉语/Chinese: □ 很好/Excellent □ 较好/Fair □ 差/Poor □ 不会/None HSK 考试等级(如果有请填写)/Level of HSK Test(If appropriate): 级 爱好: □ 打篮球 □ 踢足球 □ 唱歌 □ 跳舞 □ 其他 Hobbies:playing basketball, playing football,singing, dancing, other |
5.申请人亲属情况 Information of Family Members
姓名 Name | 年龄 Age | 职业 Occupation | 电话 Tel | ||
父亲 Father | |||||
母亲 Mother | |||||
配偶 Spouse |
6.推荐人情况 Recommender
申请人签字 Applicant’s Signature:____________________
日期 Date ____________________